Thanks to the specialized software system an overall surveillance is performed of the movement of the goods in the separate trade places with a full report for the activity of the company that gives the opportunity for a quick service to clients, places, expeditions, orders, deliveries. An automatic reminder, for upcoming, and overdue assignments and payments. An extremely flexible system for different inquiries, necessary for the company, report by an electronic scale. It creates convenience for the employees, multifunctional, with great efficiency, easy for adopting, learning and servicing.

This is all accomplished thanks to the very well developed system consistent with the requirements, and in compliance with the laws in the country. Documents are issued, inquiries, reports in an electronic type/file by deliveries, availability in the warehouse, obligations for expedition, prices, payments, internet contacts.

An overall management of the trade process, control, accountancy of the company consists by: creating, preserving lists of companies, places, contractors, private individuals /arranges and supplements/ with a level of access. It gives the opportunity for an effective management of the relations with the clients and partners.
1. Creating a common database of the company.
2. Productive catalog.
3. Availability list.
4. List with places and suppliers.
5. List with clients, companies and people.
6. Haulage and report by electronic scales.
7. Wholesale and retail.
8. Obligations for expeditions.
9. Processing of documents.
10. Preserving data for goods and suitability.
11. Follows the movement of the goods in a certain period.
12. Defining warehouses by places.
13. Inquiries about quantities and availability.
14. Full accountancy of the company.
15. Internet correspondence.
16. Creates a sales register.
17. Creates a delivery register.
18. Payments of the service staff.
19. Comfortable and proper issuance of expedition notes.
20. Follows losses for the period.
21. Inquiries for clients, sales, payments and unpaid amounts.
22. Inquiries for average prices for the period
23. Facilitates international contacts by multilingual.
24. Bringing out inquiries for unpaid (due) amounts for the period.

The system is tested, it works, it uses all contemporary methods for communication, it is stable, with comfortable functions for searching for goods, haulage, deliveries by places, expeditions, payments, it gives the opportunity for a bigger efficiency, clearness, accountancy and qualitative servicing of the clients, follows the movement of the document flow, and reminds when there are certain delays.

The uniqueness of VMARKET is in the accuracy and precision for work that gives opportunities in perspective for the companies to open new warehouses, to increase the turnover, to develop, and to service their clients with pleasure.

It is developed on the basis of an internet application that gives the opportunity for distant surveillance and work by contractors, places, orders, warehouses and production.