Module / SECTION / PAYMENT in the LEGAL AID portal is operational as of 17.03.2014. The relevant bar associations are duly informed by BISOFT Ltd. for the operations recovery.
BISOFT Ltd. had and will have absolutely professional and legal behavior and will respect its commitments to the arrangements with the NLAB and the RELEVANT BAR ASSOCIATIONS, as agreed.
The unavailability of that module within the period 28.02.2014 – 16.03.2014 is a fact and is the result of the decision taken and implemented by the NLAB, as BISOFT Ltd. duly notified the competent authorities and entities of the consequences.
For further information and assistance, please contact the NLAB or BISOFT Ltd.
BISOFT Ltd. considers that its LEGAL AID Software System developed, innovated and supported under the Legal Aid Act is its exclusive, unique and copyright achievement, demonstrating its impeccable reputation and a complex engineering functionality that can be operational only if it is supported by its developer BISOFT Ltd., which fact is proven during the period of time specified above.